Qhinetic PLT, restructured from Qhinetic Ventures, is a boutique consultancy firm that drives innovation across various sectors by focusing on brand management, intellectual property (IP) solutions and the innovation life cycle. We empower individuals and businesses to maximise their potential and navigate the competitive landscape by unlocking the value of intangible assets. Beyond consulting, Qhinetic invests in innovative ideas across sectors like AI, agriculture, biotechnology, entertainment, food technology, healthcare, nutraceuticals and waste management. Additionally, Qhinetic is a creative powerhouse, producing original IP through video productions, music and other digital media, with expertise in licensing, digital rights management, and monetisation.

贺岁压轴登场!人工智能还原声影 AI 莊群施祝你龙年“好运气”
2024年,甲辰龙年,也是莊群施出道30周年。群施用了另一种形式,给长期爱戴她的歌迷送上从未缺席的新年祝福,希望人人在新一年都有《好运气》!这首歌是群施生前亲自邀回来的新歌创作,虽来不及录制和拍摄,制作团队仍藉助当今最新科技,以 AI 人工智能还原群施的歌声和影像。
“Good Luck” – Queenzy Cheng’s 30th Anniversary Posthumous Lunar New Year Masterpiece Crafted with AI Technology
Queenzy Cheng’s enduring legacy takes centre stage with the release of “Good Luck,” an enchanting Lunar New Year song that seamlessly blends tradition and technology. This musical masterpiece not only pays homage to Queenzy’s remarkable 30-year journey in the music industry but also introduces cutting-edge AI technology to breathe life into her unmatched voice and visuals.
Lagu Tahun Baharu Cina “Limpahan Keberkatan” Bakal Memperingati Queenzy Cheng dengan Keajaiban Teknologi Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) Sempena Ulang Tahun Ke-30 Dalam Industri Muzik
Teknologi kecerdasan buatan (AI) berjaya menghidupkan semula suara dan visual Queenzy Cheng dengan pelancaran lagu Tahun Baharu Cina beliau yang bertajuk “Limpahan Keberkatan”. Karya muzik ini merupakan satu penghormatan kepada perjalanan 30 tahun Queenzy dalam industri muzik.